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Back to the roots
Obrazek My bike road began in ’96 and first steps with mountain biking I have been making on cross-country races. Nice time, nice memories. And now, after 16 years I am still “bike addicted” ;)!

Last weekend after almost 2 years of break I have appeared on the XCO race – Troféu de Sintra #2 in Rio de Mouro.

I was not making any special preparation for XC lately, but localization of the race (15min from my home) was just perfect for Sunday afternoon :)!

On Saturday I went to recognize the track and the localization and path were equal from cup race in 2010 which I was taking part in. This was crucial knowledge as unfortunately I need to spot for organization that there exist a big lack of the information about the race. Besides general schedule and name of the town I couldn’t find any updates on the internet - there not exist one source (website) were the information are presented. And it was not only my individual problem as many riders who has never taken part in this race were confused also. This is a constructive critic so I am awaiting some improvements for the next edition - I like the idea to “visit” Troféu de Sintra more often :)

Coming back to the race…

My category had 4 laps to make, track was quite difficult so it was meaning “pure” XC! Like I mentioned my “separation” with cross-country was quite long, so I decided to ride calm and smart using my years of experience.

After the start I took a lead and didn’t give it back till the finish line ;)!

TdS#2 Rio de Mouro

At the same time I was recorded some part of the race, so you can follow the first lap with me… This year the National Championships XCO will take place in Rio de Mouro, so I suspect it as a nice opportunity to recognize the track – ENJOY!

Now it is time for some holidays in Poland.
Next “competition” – 26.05 - my cousin’s wedding :)

added: Dizzy, date: 18.05.2012, 14:08
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