On the previous news I was writing that after Sintra marathon should be only easier… well nothing more wrong :]! If someone had a pleasure to participate in 5th Raid Saloios BTT Sportzone in Arneiros knows why.
On the last weekend, day 15th of April, I was taking part in marathon in the area of Torres Vedras. My second marathon in this season had specific objectives and with the “help” of the weather forced me to make even more that was planned!
70km with almost 2000m of accumulation was multiplied in effort because of the rain, wind and huge amount of mud!
Start with the big group of enthusiastic riders went well. I was following my rhythm and making kilometers quite smoothly. Having bigger than normal margin of safety in the downhills I focused on the uphills and rolling part. Testing behaving of the legs I have noticed that preparation period (even not too long) is making an effect. During next parts of the track we were meeting different difficulties but I think the worst one was mud blocking completely the wheels. At that time I had a fast “flash” from last year XCO Cup Race in Torres Vedras (brrrr).
Fortunately the second part of the marathon was following on the more hard surface paths and it was possible to continue again on top of the bike. Around 20km to finish line I met my two element “support” :), refilled the bottle, gels and with new portion of energy entered for the last part of the track.

Encouraged to ride strong I advanced 3 positions and
after 4h42min finished as 4th in general classification!Congratulations for all participants, especially this few who managed to finish 70km!
Next “step” is speed training during Open BTT Cartaxo.
See you there!
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